Safety and privacy

General policy

We respect your privacy! That's why Xiphias Big Game Fishing is committed to protect it and to protect the confidentiality of all your personal information.

Here are the main lines of our commitment:

  • Usage: Before collecting any personal information or at the time of doing so, we will explain to you how we intend to use it.
  • Limitied collecting: The collection of personal information is limited to information that is reasonable in the circumstances, and your information is used only for the purposes for which it was collected.
  • Security: Your personal information remains confidential and secure and is not disclosed to anyone outside of our company.
  • The transmission and collection of your personal data during a purchase, such as your personal details, are secured with an SSL certificate.
  • We do not collect any credit card numbers on our website.
  • Online payments are made with the highest security standards, thanks to the Paypal and Payplug solutions.
  • Access: You have the right to access all your personal information and to correct any errors as necessary.

We invite you to read this privacy policy, as we may be required to change it on a regular basis.

The different types of cookies

The essential cookies

Some cookies are essential for the website to work properly. 

Functionality Cookies

Functional cookies for example are used to memorize your preferences on our website.

Analytical cookies

Analytical cookies help us improve the functioning of our website, navigation, user experience performance.

Third-party cookies

Xiphias Big Game Fishing does not use third party cookies

Targeting or Advertising cookies

Xiphias Big Game Fishing does not use any targeting or advertising cookies

List of used cookies

Cookie nameFunction
_utma, _utmb, _utmc, _utmz Google Analytics Cookie, Used to monitor the traffic on the website
cc_cookie_accept Cookie for storing your consent for cookies from our website
PHPSESSID Cookie used to manage your connection to the website

How to accept or reject cookies

On Mozilla Firefox:

  1. Click the "Tools" icon icon at the top right (three black lines), then click the "Options" icon (toothed wheel)
  2. Go to the "Privacy" tab
  3. Choose your options

On Internet Explorer:

  1. Choose the "Tools" menu, toothed wheel in the top right, then "Internet Options".
  2. Click the "Privacy" tab.
  3. Select the desired level using the cursor.

Google Chrome:

  1. Go to the customization and configuration menu, icon at the top right (three black lines).
  2. Click on "Settings" and then on "Show advanced settings ...".
  3. In the "Privacy" section, click "Content Settings" and choose an option.


  1. Click Settings (toothed wheel in top right), then click "Preferences".
  2. Click on the "Privacy" tab
  3. Choose one of the options.


  1. Click Opera on the top left, then "Settings"
  2. Click on the tab "Privacy and security"
  3. In the Cookies section, choose an option.